Elblaus, L. and Eckel, G. (2020). Acoustic Modelling as a Strategy for Composing Site-Specific Music. In Proceedings of the Audio Mostly Conference 2020.
Elblaus, L. and Eckel, G. (2020). utruchirp - An Impulse Response Measurement and Auralisation Tool Developed for Artistic Practice. In Proceedings of the Audio Mostly Conference 2020.
Bresin, R., Mancini, M., Elblaus, L., and Frid, E. (2020). Sonification of the self vs. sonification of the other: Differences in the sonification of performed vs. observed simple hand movements. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Frid, E., Lindetorp, H., Falkenberg Hansen, K., Elblaus, L., and Bresin, R. (2019). Sound Forest: Evaluation of an Accessible Multisensory Music Installation. Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Tsaknaki, V., and Elblaus, L. (2019). A Wearable Nebula - Material Ivestigations of Implicit Interaction. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction.
Frid, E., Elblaus, L., and Bresin, R. (2019). Interactive sonification of a fluid dance movement: An exploratory study. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces.
Elblaus, L. (2018). Crafting experience: Designing digital musical instruments for long-term use in artistic practice. (Doctoral dissertation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology).
Handberg, L., Elblaus, L., Chafe, C., and Canfield-Dafilou, E. K. (2018). Op 1254: Music for neutrons, networks and solenoids using a restored organ in a nuclear reactor. Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions.
Jenkins, T., Helms, K., Tsaknaki, V., Elblaus, L., and Hansen, N. B. (2018). Sociomateriality: Infrastructuring and appropriation of artifacts. Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions.
Elblaus, L., Unander-Scharin, Å., and Unander-Scharin, C. (2017). Uncanny materialities: digital strategies for staging supernatural themes drawn from medieval ballads. Leonardo Music Journal.
Frid, E., Bresin, R., Alborno, P., and Elblaus, L. (2016). Interactive sonification of spontaneous movement of children—cross-modal mapping and the perception of body movement qualities through sound. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Elblaus, L., Unander-Scharin, and Å., Unander-Scharin, C. (2016). New scenic subjects: Explorations of a system of autonomous on-stage observers. CHI.
Frid, E., Elblaus, L., and Bresin, R. (2016). Sonification of fluidity-An exploration of perceptual connotations of a particular movement feature. Interactive Sonification Workshop.
Elblaus, L., Unander-Scharin, C., and Unander-Scharin, Å. (2016). Which scenic subjects may emerge when interacting with machines through vocal and bodily virtuosity?. The Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts.
Bresin, R., Elblaus, L., Frid, E., Favero, F., Annersten, L., Berner, D., and Morreale, F. (2016). Sound forest/ljudskogen: A large-scale string-based interactive musical instrument. Sound and Music Computing Conference.
Almqvist Gref, A., Elblaus, L., and Falkenberg Hansen, K. (2016). Sonification as catalyst in training manual wheelchair operation for sports and everyday life. Sound and Music Computing Conference.
Elblaus, L., Tsaknaki, V., Lewandowski, V., Bresin, R., Hwang, S., Song, J., ... (2015). Demo hour. Interactions.
Elblaus, L., Tsaknaki, V., Lewandowski, V., and Bresin, R. (2015). Nebula: An interactive garment designed for functional aesthetics. CHI.
Elblaus, L. (2015). When intelligent machines say no. Workshop on Collaborating with Intelligent Machines, CHI.
Elblaus, L. (2015). Crafting new interfaces for musical expression. (Licentiate Thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology).
Elblaus, L., Unander-Scharin, C., and Unander-Scharin, Å. (2014). Singing interaction: Embodied instruments for musical expression in opera. Leonardo music journal.
Unander-Scharin, C., Unander-Scharin, Å., Höök, K., and Elblaus, L. (2014). The vocal chorder. interactions.
Liang, R. H., Chan, L., Tseng, H. Y., Kuo, H. C., Huang, D. Y., Yang, D. N., ... and Kuijper, A. (2014). Demo hour. Interactions.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., and Bresin, R. (2014). Nime design and contemporary music practice: Benefits and challenges. New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
Unander-Scharin, C., Unander-Scharin, Å., Höök, K., and Elblaus, L. (2014). Interacting with the vocal chorder: Re-empowering the opera diva. CHI.
Bresin, R., Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., Månsson, L., and Tardat B. (2014). Musikcyklarna/music bikes: An installation for enabling children to investigate the relationship between expressive music performance and body motion. Sound and Music Computing Conference Sweden.
Elblaus, L., Goina, M., Robitaille, M. A., and Bresin, R. (2014). Modes of sonic interaction in circus: Three proofs of concept. Sound and Music Computing Conference.
Unander-Scharin, C., Höök, K., and Elblaus, L. (2013). The throat III: disforming operatic voices through a novel interactive instrument. CHI.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., and Unander-Scharin, C. (2012). Artistically directed prototyping in development and in practice. Journal of New Music Research.
Elblaus, L., Hansen, K. F., and Unander-Scharin, C. (2011). Exploring the design space: Prototyping “The Throat v3” for the elephant man opera. Sound and Music Computing Conference.